Everyday Habits That Can Cause Blood Pressure Increase

Ideally, your blood pressure reading should be less than 120/80 mmHg.

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Having high blood pressure can put your life in grave danger because it can damage the arteries, leaving them more prone to narrowing, clogging or even rupturing. It’s also something that can cause a blood clot to form. These are the reasons why having high blood pressure can increase your risk of suffering from a heart attack and stroke.

Your heart and brain are not the only ones on the line — other organs of yours that are being supplied with blood can get damaged eventually, too, such as the eyes and kidneys.

Sadly, there are everyday habits that can in fact cause the blood pressure to increase, and many of us are guilty of committing them on a daily basis.

Below are some of those that can leave your blood pressure reading high. Make sure that you share this article on your various social media sites later on so that your health-conscious family members and friends may also be able to dodge the following blood pressure-increasing everyday habits:

Cigarette Smoking

According to health authorities, cigarette smoking is bad for your heart as it raises the blood pressure.

However, there are a bunch of other reasons why it can put your ticker and ultimately your life in peril — cigarette smoking can increase your resting heart rate, leave your arteries damaged and narrowed, and make your blood likely to clot.

Drinking Alcohol Excessively

Moderate intake of alcohol means up to 2 glasses of it per day if you’re a man and 1 glass of it per day if you’re a woman. Any more than that is bad for your cardiovascular system as it can cause a surge in your blood pressure.

Having lots of alcohol in one sitting can raise your blood pressure temporarily, which means that it will return to normal once the effect of alcohol wears off. However, experts say that your blood pressure can remain elevated if you constantly drink alcohol in excessive amounts.

Having Coffee

It’s no secret that caffeine found in coffee is a stimulant, and this is why a cup of Joe can cause mental alertness and a surge of energy, and also some unfavorable symptoms such as heart palpitations, nervousness, increased sweating, lightheadedness and insomnia.

Experts say that taking a lot of coffee can actually increase the blood pressure considerably. To fend off heart-related problems, it’s a good idea to limit your intake of coffee to 2 to 3 cups per day.

Leading a Sedentary Life

It’s true that your blood pressure can increase during and immediately after exercise. This should not bother you because eventually it will return to the normal range. Also, getting your regular dose of exercise strengthens the heart and the rest of your cardiovascular system, thus fending off high blood pressure.

Being physically inactive, on the other hand, is regarded as a risk factor for high blood pressure and heart disease, too.

Unhealthy Eating

We all know that a diet that’s high in sodium can cause the blood pressure to rise — this is the reason why people with hypertension or heart disease are strongly discouraged from having a high-sodium diet.

Are you aware that consuming lots of sugary foods can also cause high blood pressure? It’s for a couple of reasons: inflammation and unnecessary weight gain.

Taking Certain OTC Medications

Is it your habit to pop non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs (naproxen, ibuprofen, etc.) in your mouth each time something aches? Then don’t be surprised why your blood pressure reading seems higher than normal because doctors say that NSAIDs can actually raise your blood pressure.

Some medications for mental issues, immune system and cancer may also elevate the blood pressure, but one must not quit taking them without first talking to the prescribing doctor.

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